- Richmond High School
- Activities
Each year at Richmond High School our club's vary with what is happening in our community. Each club must have a lead teacher and advisor, and each year paperwork must be submitted within the first month to the Leadership class for approval. Clubs are able to fundraise for the school, host events using the school's facilities, and have field trips approved. Some of our prominent clubs at Richmond High include:
-Kiwins - A club for students looking to make an impact in their community through volunteer work
-Mock Trial - Students compete with other high schools and refine their skills using our own courtroom on site
-e-Bikes - Students team with UC Berkeley students to build and design their very own, electric powered bicylces
-Robotics - RHS and local engineers build, design, and compete against major companmies in the area (including Tesla) in robotics designs
-Alma Latina - Students connect with their Hispanic heritage by learning and performing dance, and hosting local events
-BSU - In partnership with Richmond and Oakland, students embark on a group of self-discovery about identity and how that fits into the Bay Area region
-Dance - Students work with long time educator Ms. Tukeva to put on elaborate performances in our brand new theater on site, and work with East Bay Performance Center to make art come to life
If you don't see a club that you like, make one! Each year is a chance to epxlore new ideas and concepts outside of your curriculum. To create a club, all groups must:
-Complete a form showing the name, purpose, teacher/advisor, and it's structure
-A Consitution - What are the rules to be a part of your club? What makes yours unique?
-If you're planning on fundraising - You will have to fill out some extra fundraiser forms, but we can help with that!