• Ever thought of joining debate? Are you the type to keep talking, even when you’ve already won an argument? Well, debate is just for you! It has countless trophies to be earned, and with many divisions, just like in sports! It is intimidating at first, but the more you do it, the easier it is to speak your mind! Ask any of this year’s debaters, they’ll say the same thing. Don’t you want to win trophies? Don’t you want to show off to your friends and family? Better yet, don’t you want to win? Then come to Ms. Truong’s room 343 on Thursday’s after school! She’s always looking for new faces that want to go places!

    The feeling of winning trophies is exhilarating. It feels like you just ate a burrito after starving yourself, it’s THAT good. During the awards ceremony of a debate tournament, it is easy to feel super anxious because you don’t know if you did a good job or not. The silence that follows after the announcer starts announcing the winners from the top 20 makes your heart pound. It  gets hard to breathe, you pray that your name is called, but then your prayers are neglected when it turns out another student got the trophy you thought you earned. It’s heartbreaking, but minutes later, when they are calling first place, and you’ve already lost hope and you hear “In first place! Coming from Richmond high..!” and  your name is called, the jolt of excitement is sanguine! You feel like you are the best in the world! Take it from me, a debate expert! Just one thing though, debate is a commitment, you can't predate debate!









