- Richmond High School
Welcome to our African American Site Advisory Group. This group was created at Richmond High in 2019 to support the African American community on our campus. The program and BSU continues to build and support students and staff on our campus. Members of the group include:
Michael Hatcher - Discipline/Behavior and Assistant Principal
Ms. Easter - BSU Advisor
Mr. Moore - AAPAC Advisor
The goals of the group include:
- Improve the academic outcomes for African-American students by providing families with information about their student's academic achievement and cognitive development. This includes identifying a student's individual needs by reviewing test scores and grades and developing achievable goals and creating a plan of action for their personal success.
- Increase the engagement of African-American families, by developing programs and activities these families are interested in participating in.
- Support school staff in addressing the cultural needs of African-American students, using direct feedback from parents and families.
- Advise the school on how communication and outreach efforts of the school are working and what can be improved.
- Advocate for programs and services that will increase African-American students' preparation for college and career, such as an after-school tutoring group, African-American career day, parent support groups, workshops on how parents can best support their students at home, and resources and referrals for academic and social support.