• Your child’s attendance and tardy patterns have a direct link with achievement. Frequent absences and tardies hurt academic performance. California State Law mandates that unless children are ill, they must be in school on time every day. Absences are considered excused for the following reasons:


    1. Student illness or Student medical appointment
    2. Bereavement
    3. Some religious observances


    For any of the above reasons, parents must notify their child’s school office within 24 hours. This can be done by phone (510-231-1451 ext. 0). When your child returns to school, you should send an absence note with an explanation for the child’s absence from school if you have not communicated by phone. ALL other absences are considered unexcused. After 3 unexcused absences or 3 unexcused tardies (30 minutes or more), a student is considered truant and a formal letter notifying parents will be sent home. Habitual excused tardies of 10 or more will also warrant a review and form letter for truancy. More information is also available in the West Contra Costa Unified School District’s Parent-Student Handbook.


    Tardy Policy


    TARDINESS is a serious detriment to each child and each classroom success. Although excessive tardiness is defined as a child being late in excess of 30 minutes, the habitual tardiness of 5 to 10 minutes is usually detrimental. This is typically the parents’ responsibility, however, students will serve 10 minute detention when they are tardy (excused or unexcused). Please assist your child in learning the valuable lesson of personal responsibility by setting the example for punctuality. It is a most valuable life skill.


    Leaving School before Dismissal

    If possible, please do not take your child out of school early. It is very disruptive to the class and they miss out on important assignments. If a child needs to be taken out of school before regular dismissal, an adult on the emergency card must report to the office to sign the student out and the office will send for your child. For student safety and to preserve the learning environment, PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THE CLASSROOM TO GET YOUR CHILD.