• Tips For Reading With Your Child

    Reading with Children

    1. Read together daily. Make reading a part of your daily routine that children can anticipate as a warm, cuddly time together with your full attention. Try different times of day to find the best time for you and your child. (bedtime, nap time, snack time, etc.)

    2. Point at words and pictures as you read them. Also point out words you see written around you out in the world. Ask him or her to find a new word every time you go on an outing.

    3. Label or name pictures on the page. You can build comprehension skills by playing games involving items from the story. "Where's your nose?" "Where's daddy's nose?" Or touch your child's nose and say "What's this?"

    4. Try to explain words your child does not understand.

    5. Ask your child questions starting with: "Who...?" "What...?" "Where...?" "Why...?" or "How...?"

    6. Talk through what you are thinking while you are reading.

    7. Use big expressions and gestures. Change the tone of your voice to match the tone of the story.

    8. Know when to stop. Stop reading when your child stops listening. If they lose attention, try again at a different time or with a different story. 

    9. After reading, discuss the story with your child. Ask him or her about their favorite part, or have them draw a picture of a scene from the story. 

    10. Praise your child! (You listened so well!)


    • There is not a "right" way to read aloud to your child.
    • Use the experience to explore with them! Look at the pictures before turning the page.
    • Sit together and get snuggly with a blanket or stuffed animal.
    • Run your finger under the text while you read.
    • Repeat interesting words or rhymes.
    • Pause and wait so children can say the word that ends a predictable phrase. 
    • Stop to ask thinking questions: "What might happen next? Where did she go? Why did he do that?"
    • Follow up on the story; Invite your child to talk; draw or paint images from the story; pretend to be one of the characters, act out a movement from the story. 
    • Read the same story again and again. Research suggests that repeated readings help to develop language skills in children. 

    Dad Reading with Children