- West Contra Costa Unified School District
- Purchasing Services
- Purchasing Procedures
- Warehouse Requisitions
All items stocked in the central warehouse are listed in the online warehouse catalog here.
To requisition a stocked item
1. Complete a warehouse requisition in Munis following the procedures in the Munis Manual
In the event of an emergency (classes cannot be held or items are required to preclude personal injury or district property damage), a warehouse requisition can be expedited by contacting each approver and asking them to approve the order, once the warehouse receives the requisition you can call and notify them that requisition # ---------- is an emergency and you wish to pick-up the items. The warehouse will give you an approximate time for you to pick up your supplies. Do not come to the warehouse if you have not arranged a pick-up time. Please note: An emergency warehouse requisition will not include more than three (3) items per order per day; advance planning will usually preclude the need to use the expedited process.
If an item is currently out of stock, a backorder will automatically be generated; no further action is required by the requisition originator. Once the back-ordered item is received into stock an issue order will be processed and the item subsequently delivered.
Delivery by District Warehouse
All warehouse supplies requisitioned will be delivered by the warehouse. After delivery by the warehouse, items should be checked for accuracy and damage. Notify the warehouse (510) 307-7860 within 48 hours of delivery with any problems with your order.
Contact Felisa Ayroso at (510) 231-1190