All MCHS students must complete two 50-hour volunteer internships prior to graduation.
We advise you to find somewhere that interests you. For example, if you wanted to become a lawyer, you could intern at a law office. If you are interested in medicine, you could intern at a hospital or doctor's office. We also encourage students to reach out to CCC services like the library, bookstore, counseling office, admissions office, drama or PE departments (just to name a few). You can also reach out to community organizations like local libraries, churches, daycare centers, etc.
Clickfor current internship opportunities from departments that are actively seeking interns on and near campus.
Please keep in mind that you can not be paid, so make sure to let them know you are looking for an unpaid internship (or volunteering opportunity), and you must be able to finish all 50 hours in one semester* (or over one summer break) for each internship.
When you decide on an internship, inform the main office so that they can approve it and so that they know who and where you will be interning.
Once you have completed the internship, you must submit all 3 of the above forms to Ms. Moody to receive credit.
Don't forget to make and keep a copy of each form for your records.
*Hours count for the semester you earn them, and you must complete 2 internships by the time you graduate. It does not matter whether you earn the hours as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior, so long as the hours are in a single semester for each internship.
For example, if you were to start an internship now, you must complete all 50 hours before the end of the semester in order to get credit. Hours can not carry over from one semester to the next. If you only completed 30 hours by the end of the semester, the internship would not be credited and you would have to start over. If you were to do 70 hours by the end of the semester, it would only count for 1 internship. The additional 20 hours would not "roll over" into a second internship.