• General Information

    Stay Up to Date!

    In addition to the Michelle Obama School website (www.茄子视频/michelleobamaschool), there are multiple ways of learning about events at Obama:

    • Flyers and forms are regularly distributed in student backpacks.
      • Please check your student's backpack on a regular basis to ensure that you are receiving notices.
    • Recorded phone messages, in English and Spanish, are sent out as needed to share information.
      • Please ensure that Michelle Obama School has a current phone number that can receive voicemail.
    • Michelle Obama School is on Facebook at 
      • Michelle Obama School occasionally broadcasts live video of events on its Facebook Page. These videos are generally archived on Facebook and .
    • The Michelle Obama School PTA is on Facebook at 


    Michelle Obama School has a uniform policy that specifies 

    • Shirt: white, navy blue, or light blue polo
    • Pants/skirts/jumpers: khaki, navy blue, or dark denim
    • Students are encouraged to wear Michelle Obama School Tiger spiritwear shirts and/or sweatshirts on Fridays.

    Office staff maintain a small collection of uniform shirts and pants for those needing them. 

    Spiritwear is available for purchase through the Michelle Obama School PTA. Order forms are available in the office.

    Parents or guardians may opt their child(ren) out of the uniform by completing a uniform waiver form.


    Michelle Obama School does not require parents to purchase school supplies for their students. If any supplies are requested, beyond those provided by the school, teachers will inform parents.

    Dropping Off and Picking Up

    Portola Drive is lined with parking areas on both sides.

    • Please be careful when crossing from the far side of the street.
    • Please do not double park, as Portola is one lane, one way. 
    • Please do not pull in to the parking lot as it is very difficult to exit and would create a hazard for students during drop-off and pick-up times.

    Students are expected to be in class at 8:45am.

    All students not riding the bus are picked up at their classrooms by a parent, guardian, or staff member (if participating in an after-school activity). If not picked up within a reasonable period of time, students not riding the bus and not participating in an after-school program will be escorted to the office and a parent or guardian will be called.

    Students in after-school programs must be picked up at the campus as there is no bus service available for them.

    Dismissal Times

    Every Wednesday is a Minimum Day (early dismissal)

    Kindergarten: 2:35; minimum days 2:00

    Grades 1-3: 2:35; minimum days 2:00

    Grades 4-6: 2:55; minimum days 2:20

    Early Pick-up

    If a student is being picked up early, parents or guardians should go to the main office. The student will meet the parent or guardian at the office.

    Picking up a student requires being a parent or guardian with legal custody or being designated by a parent or guardian.

    If the person picking up the student is not listed on school forms as authorized, office staff must receive verbal permission from a custodial parent or guardian before the student can be released.

    • Please ensure that your contact information and authorizations are kept up to date

    Late Arrivals/Tardies

    Students who arrive thirty (30) minutes after class start must check in with the main office before going to their classroom.

    Students are classified as truant upon his/her third tardy in excess of thirty (30) minutes.

    (Please consult pages 8-9 of the 2017-18 Parent Student Handbook for additional information.)


    If your student will be absent due to illness or other reason, please call the main office at (510) 231-1456. If the school office does not receive notice of an absence they will call to determine the whereabouts of the student.

    If a student will be absent for an extended period (more than three consecutive school days) due to illness, a doctor's note will be required to excuse the absences.

    Absences must be cleared within five (5) school days or they will be counted as unexcused.

    Students with six (6) or more absences are deemed habitual truants.

    Excusing absences benefits your student's academic progress:

    Students with excused absences may be allowed to complete all missed assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided. Upon satisfactory completion and within a reasonable time limit as determined by the teacher, the student shall receive credit. 

    If you know in advance that your child will be absent from school for an extended period, please contact the school to arrange a temporary "independent study" packet.

    Breakfast and Lunch

    • Breakfast is available from 8:15am to 8:40am.
    • Lunch is served on a staggered schedule by grades, followed by a recess period.

    Please see our Food Services page for more information on these meals and for menus.

    Nut-Free Classrooms

    Some classrooms may be designated as nut-free (no peanuts or tree nuts or products containing them) due to allergies of a student or staff member. Please respect the needs of these members of the Wilson family. You may pack peanuts, tree nuts, or products containing these as part of your child(ren)'s lunch, but these can only be consumed in the Cafeteria.


    All grades at Michelle Obama School have opportunities for both structured (physical education) and unstructured (recess) physical activity. Physical education and recess activities are provided through a partnership with .

    There are two outdoor play areas at Michelle Obama School. The smaller yard is used by Kindergarten. The larger yard is used by grades 1-6. The play structure on the larger yard is available to students during recesses on a rotating schedule.

    After School Programs

    Wilson is pleased to host a branch of Y-Care and an expanded learning program provided by the East Bay Community Foundation.

    • Y-Care at Wilson is operated by the E.M. Downer Family YMCA and is income-dependent. Y-Care provides both . Contact 茄子视频info@ymcaeastbay.org for enrollment information.
    • Expanded Learning is offered to all students at Michelle Obama School, although enrollment is limited. An application form is required; the application is available in the main office. The program runs from the end of school until 6pm.

    Please see our Community page for more information about these programs.

    Visiting and Volunteering

    All campus and classroom visitors must check in at the front office except during regular drop off and pick up times.

    Parents, guardians, and community members who want to volunteer in the classroom need to complete the District's process for obtaining a volunteer badge.

    • A volunteer badge is also required for chaperones on school study trips.

    Please apply early, as the process can take several weeks.


    If you would like to donate materials to a classroom, please contact the teacher directly.

    Michelle Obama School PTA accepts donations and will provide you with a receipt for tax purposes if requested.