- DeAnza High School
- English and English Language Development (ELD)
Welcome to the English Department!
Our goal is to develop critical readers, writers, and thinkers who are able to comprehend, analyze, and respond to a text. We support our students to develop the skills and confidence to effectivley convey their ideas and experiences through both verbal and written expression.
We work collaboratively to horizontally and vertically align coursework. Each course is designed to increase rigor from one grade level to the next, while supporting and challenging students in acquiring new skills in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
English Courses:
Applied Research Methods (ARM)- 9th Grade Requirement
English 1 - 9th Grade English
English 2 - 10th Grade English
CSU Expository Reading/Writing 11th Grade
CSU Expository Reading/Writing 12th Grade
English Language Development (ELD) I-V
Literature of Identity and the Search for Social Justice
Creative Writing
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
David McDonald, Department Lead: English 2, CSU 12th
Ashton: English 2, Yearbook, Video Production
Bean: ELD 3A, 3B, 4
Bing: CSU 11th, CSU 12th
Deschenes: English 2, AP English Literature
Gagnie: English 1, Theater 1, 2 (Adv)
Gailliard: Applied Research Methods (ARM), CSU 11th
Hansen: ELD 2A, 2B, French 2, 3, 4
Kaura: CSU 12th, AP English Language
Rojas: ELD 1A, 1B, ARM, Literature of Identity and the Search for Social Justice
Sussman: ARM, CSU 11th
Werth: English 1, Literature of Identity and the Search for Social Justice
- All Categories
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- Select Year
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 2026
Current Assignments
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Past Due Assignments
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