The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of the school principal and a group of people, selected by their peers, representing all segments of the school community: teachers, support staff, and parents. The common goal and focus of this elected body are to support student success. The SSC does this by developing and monitoring the implementation of the school's plan, known as the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
El Concilio Escolar Local (SSC) está compuesto por la directora y un grupo de personas electas por el grupo al que representan, reflejando a todos los segmentos de la comunidad escolar: maestros(as), personal de apoyo y padres. El meta y enfoque común de este grupo es de apoyar el éxito académico estudiantil. El SSC realiza esto mediante el desarrollo y monitoreo de la implementación del plan escolar conocido como Plan Único para el Éxito Estudiantil.
The presentation embedded below was discussed with parents at the October 27, 2017, Coffee Chat. It provides an overview of Title I funding, as well as Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), and the role of the School Site Council (SSC) in creating and overseeing the SPSA and determining how monies shall be used.