• Dover School Family Services (DSFS)

    DSFSDover School Family Services is a non-profit school based center established by parents, students and community stakeholders to serve the families of the Dover School and San Pablo community.

    The mission of Dover School Family Services (DSFS) is to actively collaborate with all community stakeholders to increase the network of support available to all families. DSFS promotes services that build upon the diversity and strength that is inherent in our multicultural community.
    Our objectives:
    To increase academic achievement.
    To promote and increase family resiliency.
    To improve family health.

    Services offered by DSFS include:

    Healthy Families Assistance
    -Healthy Families application assistance is available by appointment by calling

    -Nutrition program

    Case Management
    Case management is offered to families with students at Dover School. Services that families may receive include: on going assistances with social services, mental health support, basic needs and advocacy support.

    Counseling Program
    DSFS currently houses a full time MSW who is supported in part by a full time case manager, two interns and other school district provided therapists. Counseling services include one-on-one therapy, small groups that focus on issues such as bereavement, anger management, life skills, anxiety and depression.

    Community Services
    DSFS provides information on community services that are available in the San Pablo, Richmond and other parts of the county.

    Adult Education
    On site ESL class is offered 4 days a week from 8:30-11:00 M-Th in the multipurpose room.

    Literacy Class
    A Spanish literacy class is offered M-F to monolingual Spanish speaking parents.

    After School Program
    DSFS offers an after school program open to the public, currently serving 220 students. M-T and Th-F from 2:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

    Dover Community Garden
    The Dover Community Garden is open to the public, students and their parents may attend after school gardening activities.

Last Modified on May 28, 2020