- West Contra Costa Unified School District
- Forensic Accounting Investigation
Forensic Accounting Investigation
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The Board of Education has received several public comments on the final report of the Phase II Forensic Accounting Investigation. The comments are now available on the District website.
The Board of Education is taking comments from the public on the final report of the Phase II Forensic Accounting Investigation of the District’s school construction bond program. Comments will be accepted until Thursday, October 20, 2016.
You can send comments via email.
The final report of the Phase II Forensic Accounting Investigation of the District’s school construction bond program completed by Vicenti, Lloyd & Stutzman, CPAs is available on this website. While the document is available in its entirety, it has also been broken up into more easily downloadable segments. While it is tempting to move directly to the results and recommendations in Section III and Section IV, VLS strongly suggests reading and understanding the methodology included in subsection A of Section III and Section IV.
Final Report (Large file - 386 pages)
Report Cover Page, Cover Letter and Table of Contents
Section II - Final Risk Assessment Matrix Phase II
B - Final Risk Assessment Matrix
Section III - Test of Controls (TC) Results of Testing
A - Methodology and Results of Testing for the Test of Controls (TCs 1-16)
Section IV - Forensic Accounting Investigation
Section V - Work Performed by VLS
Section VI - Scope Limitations
Section VII - Closing Paragraph
Section VIII - Exhibits and Acronyms
C - Exhibits
FI (6) - No exhibits
FI (9) - No exhibits