• The resources on this site are provided to enhance and support instruction aligned with the California Literacy Standards. The Common Core State Standards Initiative offers a portrait of the capacities students need in order to be College and Career Ready (CCR) in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

    Our goal is to enable students to become articulate speakers, responsive listeners, skillful readers and writers, and resourceful problem solvers who are prepared to be contributing members of our democratic society.

    These CCR competencies inform our goal that all WCCUSD students will: 

    • demonstrate independence and strong content knowledge in History/Social Science
    • adapt their communication style to audience and purpose
    • are discerning readers, writers, and listeners
    • comprehend as well as critique
    • cite specific evidence when offering oral or written interpretations of text
    • employ technology thoughtfully, and
    • actively seek to understand other perspectives and cultures

Contact Us

  • Teaching, Learning & Leading
    English, History-Social Science, and World Languages
    7150 Portola Drive
    El Cerrito, CA 94530
    Portable 43

    Dr. Sarah Breed, x74687
    Executive Director 
    Christi Roscigno, x54419
    Elementary Coordinator
    Cherie Noland, x24913
    Kate Gliksman, x24935
    Emily Hill, x24546
    Program Assistants
    Nancy Algood, x77864 (elem)
    Veronica Vega, x74658 (sec)
    Clerical Staff
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