• US History

    Course Description:


    *    This class talks about the U.S. History starting from the Native Americans through the 20th century Americans using a specialized                  instruction.

    *     Individual goals and objectives are going to be addressed as well based on student’s IEP.

    *    Class activities are developed to enhance student’s learning and understanding about the topics.


    Class Expectations:

    •     Students should observe school values and the following guidelines for appropriate behavior:

                Be Responsible

                Be Safe

                Be Caring

                Be Respectful

          Do your Best



    - Medieval History Alive Textbook
    - History workbook
    - Notebook
    - Pencil 



    Rewards and Consequences:


    - Students will get a happy face at the end of the day if they were able to do their tasks and if they were able to choose good behavior.



    -    Students will be given a particular consequence for each misbehavior (e.g. call home, writing lines, referral).


    Attendance and Participation:

    - Students are expected to be always prepared in class everyday.

    - Class work begins as soon as the bell rings.

    - Students are encouraged to participate during class discussions.


    Work Requirements:

    The following are the requirements each student needs to bring and accomplish to fulfill the need of this class:

    1.           Class work

    -            Homework

    -            Completed worksheets

    2.           Class Materials

    -       Workbook

    -       Textbook

    -       Pencil

    -       School Planner


    Grading Policy:

    Grades will be based on daily points for individual and group work, homework, quizzes, behavior, preparedness and participation. These will be available in Power School.



Last Modified on October 3, 2016