School Education Program Partner Agency Lead Contact Location Photo
Alvarado none on Sutter Ave.
Bayview in development Growing Together/ BACR Amanda Knapp by K bldg, full garden in development
Chavez after school BACR/Growing Together Abby Runte NW corner of school
Collins in development Growing Together Grey Kolevzon along Pinole Valley rd
Coronado in development Growing Together Grey Kolevzon by staff parking lot
De Anza High teacher-based Stacy Thompson back of buildings
Dejean whole school + summer internships Growing Together Abby Runte Between B&C, C&D buildings
Dover new pilot - during + after Growing Together Stephen Suttle behind MPR, open area in front of main bldg
Downer teacher-led WCCUSD teacher/Growing Together Sylvia Trillia sm garden in K area, full garden in development
El Cerrito High during school Growing Together Janine Penafort back of school (East side)
Ellerhorst none Greg Whaling K garden in front, garden in back in development
Fairmont whole-school, during PTA (+ Growing Together) Claire Bordeaux back of school, along green way
Ford partial program - after school Love Learn Success Leonalee Pinto by parking lot
Grant whole school, during + after Love Learn Success Khan Springer behind back portable
Hannah Ranch teacher-led WCCUSD teacher Ricky Clemens
Harding PTA/teacher-based PTA Lindsay Kraybill in main yard
Helms teacher-based (psychologist) BACR Tana Monteiro in courtyard, also behind bldg near creek
Hercules Middle teacher led WCCUSD teacher Patricia Ogura between M-107 and U-shaped drop off lane
Hercules High teacher led WCCUSD teacher Patricia Ogura middle school side between M-107 and U-shaped drop off lane
Highland after school Growing Together/ BACR Karen Dickerson; Rowan Maze-Conway in lower terrace, behind MPR
Kennedy after-school internships Growing Together Traver Riggins by main entrance
Kensington teacher/PTA led PTA Maya Durrett
King whole-school, during + after Growing Together Maya Carson by staff parking lot, next to field
Korematsu none raised beds and greenhouse on west side of campus
Lake after school LoveLearnSuccess/Growing Together Liliana Reyes; Rowan Maze Conway by far portable, full garden in development
Lincoln teacher-based Growing Together Wendy Silkworth next to outdoor eating area
Lupine Hills whole-school, during + after Growing Together Elizabeth Merritt behind back building, E side of campus
Madera whole-school, during PTA (+ Growing Together) Leura Mathur side of school, adjoins main yard
Middle College
Mira Vista whole-school, during + after West County DIGS/ PTA (+ Growing Together) Graciela Rossi 2 gardens - in main couryard & upper area on NE corner
Montalvin partial program - after school Growing Together/ Love Learn Success Stephen Suttle; Brendan Slevin back of school by open fields
Nystrom whole-school, during + after Growing Together/ ROC Nick Clark by staff parking lot
Obama none
Ohlone none
Olinda none
Peres whole school, during + after Growing Together Jessica Ozuna far corner of field, by greenway
Pinole Middle teacher-based WCCUSD teacher Daniel Solwren behind gym building, back corner of school
Pinole Valley none
Richmond High during-school credit courses; internships Urban Tilth & WCC CTE Teacher Adam Boisvert southeast corner between tennis courts and portables
Riverside teacher-based + new pilot - during + after WCCUSD teacher, Growing Together Anita Miller; Stephen Suttle behind main bldgs, along creek
Serra none between MPR and Ralston Ave.
Shannon teacher-based, + after school WCCUSD teacher, Growing Together/ BACR Jeffrey Bean; Elizabeth Merritt temp location - NE corner of field
Sheldon in development Growing Together in main rec field
Soskin whole school + summer internships; farming Growing Together Matthew Linzner southwest field
Stege Spring only, after school Growing Together Maya Carson corner of school, behind office
Stewart Spring only, after school Growing Together/ BACR Elizabeth Merritt next to main playing field
Tara Hills partial program - after school Growing Together/ BACR Nick Clark next to main entrance/staff parking lot
Transition whole-school, during school + internships Growing Together Matthew Linzner large open space behind portables, S side (at Vista)
Valley View whole-school, during; farming Growing Together Maya Carson along main entrance way
Verde whole school, during + after Urban Tilth Adam Boisvert back of school, N side
Vista whole-school, during school + internships Growing Together Matthew Linzner large open space behind portables, S side
Washington whole-school, during + after PTA/Growing Together Daniel Ayala
West Co. Mandarin in development PTA (+ Growing Together) Debbie Lai