Read Naturally

  • Anne Forrest, Read Naturally Intervention Teacher

    In 2004, Anne Forrest brought the Read Naturally Program to Kensington Hilltop School at the request of the teaching staff.  She has been proud to coordinate this program for Kensington Hilltop ever since.

    Read Naturally Aides

    Essential to the smooth running of the program is an enthusiastic and dedicated staff.  The Read Naturally aides soon learn individual needs, best working practices, and the goals appropriate for each student.

    The goal of Read Naturally is to assist those students who struggle with reading fluency and comprehension to become successful and confident readers.  If at any point in the year, they reach their individual goals, then they are graduated out of the program with applause for their success!

    To learn even more about Read Naturally, please refer to this extended  written by parent Allen Meacham.